Our core research

Discrete information representation
- Discrete information processing
- Transformation and relationship between representations

Human visual perception
- Psychophysics methodologies
- Analysis of the physiological signals
- Psychovisual modeling

Machine learning and pattern recognition
- Graphical Language
- Multimodality
- Complex document recognition

Networks and Systems
- Forward Error Correcting (FEC) codes for networks and distributed systems
- Routing protocols for MANET (Mobile Ad hoc NETworks)
- Fault tolerant distributed storage
- Cloud and Grid experimentations
Our issues on the applied research
How to manage the robustness and integrity of the data ?
- Secure data transmission and storage
- Optimize data transmission
- Data traceability (watermarking and fingerprinting)
- Plateform : Network & Storage
How to optimize the multimedia technology for our perception ?
- Assessment and modeling of the Quality of Experience (QoE)
- Impact of technologies on QoE
- Emotion and aesthetic of images
- Images reading strategies and visual attention
- Test plateforms : QoE & for 3D & for visual attention
How to improve the intepretation of natural signals by machines ?
- Recognition & processing of handwriting and gesture
- Advanced computer vision
- Plateform : HWR2
Recent databases
- HD_UHD_Eyetracking_Videos 37 videos viewed in HD or in UHD with eyetracking data
- PairCompTMO Pair Comparison between TMO images
- JPEG_HDR_Images JPEG compression on HDR images
- Flowchart Handwritten Flowcharts with digital paper/pen devices
- H264_Watermarking Structure preserving H.264 watermarking
- Perceptually_Optimized_Watermarking Track the visibility threshold of an image watermarking method.
- INK_ME ISI Nantes KAIST Mathematical Expression database
- HAMEX Handwritten and Audio Dataset of Mathematical Expressions
- AWAL_EM Expressions Mathématiques Manuscrites
- Fourier_Subband Distorted images from Fourier sub-bands with subjective scores (DSIS)